Asia Edwards
AA Interior Design '24
What inspired you to pursue your degree and major?
I think that interior design is a beautiful thing. As an interior designer, I have the freedom to be creative in my life. The arts have made their way to being a field of study and there are many opportunities and projects that never stop growing. In interior design, there's also fashion involved, organization, and a fun way to make people feel comfortable in a space.
What is your career goal?
My career goal is to one day mix my hobbies into a project to add to the Dallas community. I also have an interest in dance, so with that, I'd like to create a space where it can be a safe environment, built with the right structure and creative styles for people to come and dance!
What are some of your most memorable moments so far while a student at Wade College?
The most memorable moment for me was attending the Wade College 60th Anniversary Extravaganza. That event was so cool, because of the many different showings of fashion created by students and being able to see Ms. Wade, the founder!
What has been your favorite class so far? Why?
My favorite class has to be Mr. Conte's business principles class because I got to learn about real business and the history involved, too. The professor is very well-spoken, nicely dressed, and had amazing enthusiasm in every class, not to forget his sense of humor. Mr. Conte is a great teacher and you will learn something from his class to remember.
What do you enjoy most about your Wade College experience?
I enjoy that I have time to attend classes after work. While attending Wade people are very nice and everyone greets you and makes you feel welcome! It's a friendly space to be in.
What advice would you give to a brand-new student?
I'd say go for it! No matter what age, you're never too old! There's a lot that Wade provides that you can take with you, such as supplies, that are helpful.
What is your Instagram handle that you’d like to share?
My Instagram is @asiarockn_5!
Anything else you'd like to share?
The library is a nice space to explore books about the design world!