Austine Mah
Associate of Arts in Interior Design '24
What inspired you to pursue your degree and major?
In becoming both confident in 1) my abilities to be creative and 2) earning an income as a creative have inspired my decision to pursue a degree in Interior Design.
Over the years, my love for interior design has grown as I have helped design and manage homes of distinction and influential spas globally. These experiences have shown me the power of concept and design on the human experience.
Observing firsthand the impact of design on an individual has inspired me to pursue a degree in Interior Design, hone my skills as a creative, and pursue a fulfilling career bringing beauty and joy to people.
What is your career goal?
Having come from a background in the spa and wellness industry, I’d like to utilize my interior design skill sets to create beautifully crafted spa concepts and relaxing spaces around the world.
What are some of your most memorable moments so far while a student at Wade College?
Wade has introduced me to many people and opportunities. Two professors, Sharon Zenner and John Conte, have been instrumental in sharing their time and expertise. From speaking during office hours about class and how to pursue career objectives to meeting industry leaders through field trips and experiences off campus, I am most grateful for these moments.
What has been your favorite class so far? Why?
My favorite class to date has been Design, Drawing, and Presentation because it was one of the first classes I took. I met many of the classmates that I continue to connect with both at school and outside of class. This group of people has been supportive, kind, fun, and entertaining. We have learned, laughed, and grown together as students and as individuals.
What do you enjoy most about your Wade College experience?
I have most enjoyed the friendships I have made, as well as the community of designers. It is the people I have met with similar goals, life experiences, and work ethics that I have most enjoyed about my experience at Wade. The following quote summarizes how I feel about Wade College:
“When we establish human connections within the context of shared experience, we create community wherever we go.” ~ Gina Greenlee

What advice would you give to a brand-new student?
Be as active as possible in professional organizations on and off campus that support your area of study. For example, for interior designers, the following is a list of organizations to join as students:
Anything else you'd like to share?
I began my career in marketing and have grown into business consulting. I am most grateful for the opportunities my work has provided me to launch product lines and spa locations both in the US and abroad, establish international distributions, and work with dedicated professionals on a national certification program.
Nearly twenty-five years into my career, I no longer believe it is not possible to successfully build a career as a creative. I have learned to quiet the noise “you won’t make a lot of money, people are going to judge you, the salary is really low.” The truth is, you won’t make a lot of money doing anything if you’re not doing it well. Mediocre work returns mediocre pay. Life is full of judgment. You will always be judged. And no matter what you do, it is highly likely you will begin with a low salary. So why not do what you love and believe in your limitless potential? I believe I’m at the beginning of an exciting journey—are you ready for yours? Bon voyage!
Where can we find you online?
Personal Design Instagram: @austinemah