Bailee Peters
BS Visual Communication '25
What inspired you to pursue your degree and major?
I first got into graphic design when I created an Instagram for my service dog, Moose, to document our journey together. From there I got into service animal awareness/advocacy and began creating infographics about life with a service dog. My graphics ended up turning into a whole series that was posted regularly. I loved creating the pieces and connecting with others that enjoyed them! What is your career goal?
My career goal is to be an entrepreneur and continual learner. I believe you should always have more than one thing going for you! My biggest dream is to be a successful dog breeder that is known for producing dogs best fit to be service, therapy, and ESA dogs to others.

What are some of your most memorable moments so far while a student at Wade College?
My most memorable moments have to be connecting with Professor Webster. He is wise, full of knowledgeable, and has a great sense of humor. I love continually learning from him, whether about the graphic design industry or life lessons to carry with me.
What has been your favorite class so far? Why?
Digital Image Manipulation has been my favorite class so far. I walked into that class knowing nothing about Photoshop and now feel completely comfortable with the application.
What advice would you give to a brand-new student?
Utilize the wealth of knowledge that your professors have. They are all experienced in their industries and are one of the greatest resources Wade has to offer! Don’t be afraid to ask them questions whether it pertains to the class, or how they personally navigated the industry to be where they are now. What is your Instagram handle that you’d like to share?
Moose’s insta @bigapplebernedoodle