Bachelor of Science in Merchandise Marketing & Management 2021
Social Media & Marketing Manager at Summit Cove Realty
What does “a day in the life of” you look like on the job?
I manage all aspects of social media. On any given day, I do the following: Create content for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Business, TikTok, and LinkedIn, as well as film & edit videos for YouTube. I also keep track of weekly KPI’s, Realtor House post information, Create monthly newsletters and weekly blogs, as well as website maintenance. On Mondays and Tuesdays, I spend my time creating daily content and scheduling for the following week. On Wednesdays, I film the weekly YouTube 'Flip House" Episode, edit, and schedule its posting. Thursdays are my Fridays, so I tie up any loose ends and get ready for the next week. During the week, I have fun creating reels and Tik Toks for the business. Our office is very laid back, we have fun while working hard.
What do you enjoy most about your job or field?
I get to use my creativity when planning out content. Though the schedule stays the same, there is always something new to learn.
How did education at Wade College help prepare you for what you are doing today?
The various computer courses such as video editing have helped me out a lot! Branding is huge when doing this job, so I definitely benefited from taking classes like Branding and Marketing. Attending classes and completing the projects in each class has helped me to be on-task and not wait until the last minute (mostly). I learned a lot from all my courses and believe that Wade College has the best instructors!
What advice do you have for students interested in your field?
This field is forever changing. I have found that it is important to stay on top of ALL things social media. Learn how to do all aspects of social media management and be able to wear multiple hats. I have also learned that your first post, reel, or story will never be perfect, but post it anyways! If you don't put yourself out there, you will never know how great you can be!
What has your career path been like so far? How did you end up where you are?
At first I was not having any luck, I did work at the Dallas Market Center for the Buhmann group during Market and I enjoyed that experience. Then in June 2022, we moved from east of Dallas to west of Dallas, to Fort Worth. Once we became settled, I started my job search and found this job on Indeed. I started working for SCR on August 1, 2022.
What opportunities, decisions, or events shaped your professional life?
My age has helped me to figure out what I want in my professional life. I am a bit "older" than the average Wade College student, so I know it is important for me to not waste my time figuring out what field I want to build my career in. When you are younger it is okay to try different types of jobs. But when you are older, you really have to focus on a path that you can grow in and stick to it.
What are some of your proudest accomplishments?
Graduating from Wade College, of course! As for my job, diving in and figuring it all out. You don't learn everything in the classroom, and the learning process doesn't ever stop. I was featured in Shout Out DFW in December 2022.
Where can we find you online?
Anything else you’d like to share?
I also have 2 Etsy Shops: University Vibes and Check Your Vibe. You can also follow my Instagram accounts: University Vibes & Check Your Vibe