Monicia Luster
Associate of Arts in Interior Design '24
What inspired you to pursue your degree/major?
I was the general manager of a restaurant. In doing this, I oversaw the layout of the entire venue. I oversaw the design of the interior. I even created menu designs. This was all on top of my regular duties as GM. I realized that a huge part of the concept was all my idea, and it was my favorite part of my job. It made me realize that I was passionate about it. So, at thirty years old, I up and decided to quit my career, go back to school, and pursue interior design.
What is your career goal?
My goal is to start or open my own hospitality design firm. A place that specifically specializes in bar and nightclub design. I have worked in the service industry for over fourteen years and have worked in several different venues that were not set up for success. Meaning that bar wells were not the right size or in the right place. The flow of the room was wrong. I want to give others a more efficient workspace.
How is Wade College helping you pursue your career goal?
By introducing me to not only people in the industry but also being taught by professors who have been working in the interior design industry and are able to give real-life experiences about what they are teaching us.
What are some of your most memorable moments so far at Wade College?
One of my most memorable moments would have to be crossing paths with Professor Zenner. I have never met such a kind person in my life. She always greets you with the biggest smile and always has a positive attitude. She has been there to help me with anything I may need. I appreciate all the positive and uplifting words she says to me. It is nice to have a professor who really gets who you are.
What has been your favorite class so far?
So far, I would have to say that Business Principles has been one of my favorites. I loved Professor Conte's energy. I enjoyed watching him get so excited about the things he was teaching us. You could tell he really loves what he does. I learned a lot about real life financial situations and ways to help set myself up for success. I left the class feeling confident and more knowledgeable.
What advice would you give to a new student?
My advice would be to just dive in completely. If it is something you really want, then there is nothing that can stand in your way. Surround yourself with people who are positive and support you. There will always be challenging times and sometimes you will wonder how you will ever get through this, but I promise just keep on pushing. The light at the end of the tunnel is worth it all.
What do you love most about Wade College?
The thing I love most about Wade would have to be the intimate, hands-on teaching you get. The amount of support that all of Wade's staff continue to give is one of a kind. They want every student to feel welcome and comfortable every time they step through those doors. Wade is tailored to our specific needs, and you cannot get that just anywhere.