Renee Michael
Associate of Arts in Interior Design '24

What inspired you to pursue your degree and major?
Three years ago, my passion for interior design was ignited during an extraordinary apprenticeship with a globally acclaimed Bamboo Architect on the enchanting Big Island of Hawai'i. For a period of two transformative months, I immersed myself in the art of bamboo craftsmanship, partaking in the entire process from harvesting to curing and ultimately using this versatile material to construct remarkable structures within the Bamboo Village. It was not just bamboo that captivated me; we also ventured into the realm of native Ohi'a trees, cutting them down to prevent damage to the environment and milling the wood to build stairs and countertops. This immersive experience served as the catalyst for my curiosity about how structures can shape our everyday human needs and illuminated the path to my chosen major.
What is your career goal?
My career aspiration is to become self-reliantly remote while dedicating my work to sustainability and regenerative initiatives. Whether through establishing my own venture or contributing to a small company, my aim is to introduce innovative problem-solving concepts that infuse traditions and technology into the necessary spaces that foster more communal and regenerative environments.
How is Wade helping you to pursue your career goals?
Wade College is instrumental in supporting my journey towards achieving my career goals by providing me with the necessary resources and tools to pursue my design interests.
What are some of your most memorable moments so far while a student at Wade College?
My most cherished experience as a student at Wade has been my role as a student intern at the Dallas showroom, where I achieved the remarkable milestone of being promoted to a design consultant within just one month!
What has been your favorite class so far?
My preferred class thus far has been Design I, as it continually pushes me to explore unique perspectives based on the instructions and guidance provided by my professor.
What do you enjoy most about your Wade College experience?
What I find most enjoyable about my experience at Wade are the abundant opportunities for learning, personal growth, and networking.
What advice would you give to a brand-new student?
A valuable piece of advice I'd offer to new students is to approach your journey with enthusiasm, stay focused, keep trying, and keep moving forward.
What do you love about Wade College most?
The appealing location of Wade College, which led me to move to Dallas, was a significant factor in my decision to attend.
What do you think makes Wade College different than other colleges and universities?
The intimate class sizes at Wade College set it apart from other institutions, creating a more personalized and engaging learning environment.