Meet Tommy Brooks III, Wade College alum, who graduated with his Associate of Arts in Merchandising and Design with a concentration in Fashion Design in 2013. He is the Brand Coordinator at Bioworld Merchandising a global manufacturer of licensed apparel, accessories, and home goods. Check out insight on his story below.
What do you do as a Brand Coordinator? I manage the life cycle of styles for various brands (i.e. Demon Slayer, Marvel, etc.). I’m in constant communication with the licensors (i.e. Marvel, Aniplex, Disney, etc.) regarding the rights we have in manufacturing merchandise. I then relay the information that I receive from the licensor to the design and sales teams.
What is your advice for students preparing for their career field? Be persistent and focused. For designers, hone in on what your design aesthetic is.
Also, before jumping head first and starting your own business, get complete understanding of what you are wanting to do and where you are wanting to take it. Starting a business is exciting, but running into walls due to lack of knowledge can knock the wind out of you.
What is a quote that you live by? “Seek Peace and Pursue it”. Peace is extremely valuable to me.